Enabling Ubiquiti Camera SSH on UNVR

How to enable SSH into the Ubiquiti (Unifi) cameras adopted to a Unifi NVR (Network Video Recorder).

  • SSH into your UNVR i.e. ssh ubnt@local.ip
  • edit (or create and edit) the config,.json file. Note that this file has moved in a recent update and is now located at /etc/unifi-protect/config.json i.e. vim /etc/unifi-protect/config.json
  • hit “i” to enter insert mode in vim and add the line “{ “enableSsh”: true }” . To save and exit vim hit esc then : then wq then enter
  • Restart protect and allow the cams 5 mins to pickup the settings and you should be able to access the cams via ssh using un: ubnt pw: recovery code in protect settings. You can restart from the cli by typing: systemctl restart unifi-protect

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