Installing Tailscale on OPNsense

First install the os-upnp plugin from the GUI: system ⇒ firmware ⇒ plugins ⇒ install os-upnp

Next, ssh into the OPNSense box and goto the CLI and run the following commands

  • fetch -o /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/mimugmail.conf (Install the community plugin repo)
  • pkg update && pkg install tailscale (Install Tailscale)
  • service tailscaled enable (Enable Tailscale service on restart)
  • service tailscaled start (Start Tailscale service now)
  • tailscale up (Enable the Tailscale interface)

After running the tailscale up command above, you will be given a URL to visit to link the device to your tailscale account.

Return to the GUI and complete the following

  • Goto interfaces => assignments (and under new interface) assign tailscale0 to an interface
  • Refresh the gui screen, goto Interfaces => whatever you assigned to above. I would change the interface name to TAIL
  • Goto Services => Universal Plug and Play => settings Firewall => rules => Tail and add allow rule
  • Reboot

After reboot your Tailscale tunnel should be up!

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